Dostum yazdığın kodların bir tanesinde k???c?k bi hata var / yerine ? konsa direk olarak forumun kendisine ?ıkıyor arşivde
"<a href=\"".$forum_url."/archive/index.php/f-$forum_val.html\">" yerine
"<a href=\"".$forum_url."/archive/index.php?f-$forum_val.html\">" olmalı
emeğine saygım b?y?kt?r ben sadece bir işaret koydum o kadar...teşekk?rler bende y?kledim.
there is a mistake in the xml file..if we don t edit this mistake,every links go to archive index.but if you import the my attachment every links go to their forums in the archive.
thanks ATAKAN KO? for your work.but i have to edit this small mistake..
in the xml file we have to change
"<a href=\"".$forum_url."/archive/index.php/f-$forum_val.html\">" /
"<a href=\"".$forum_url."/archive/index.php?f-$forum_val.html\">" ?
only i replaced / to ?
and i attached please download and import..thanks again ATAKAN
sorry my bad english..........