Originally Posted by Luxus
nice new version...
do you plan to support more then 1 language?
to post in german
use [item]http://de.wowhead.com/?item=29434[/item]
for default lang [item]29434[/item]
Yes, but not until i can figure out how to get a non-english name via URL
for example.
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=Netherwind+Pants&xml works as you would expect.
In french though,
it is
Pantalon de vent du N?ant
which if you put that in the URL, doesnt work
if you change the ? to e
it works as expected
Now the problem is translating the ? to e and the other hundreds of characters automatically. While i can build a translation map, that doesnt appear to be the most robust solution right now.
Also, there are some characters in languages that i can't figure out the correct character to use (for example, there is this funky B looking character in German).
I don't want to rely on users knowing the item ID every time, and I haven't added a way to specify locale to the item ID (i.e. [item=ES-12345]Spanish Item[/item] so you can change the displayed language in the tooltip itself.
This though, is easy and i'll get that implemented further in the week (Along with pasting wowhead URLs supporting the same mechanic).
For example, if your board is set to use French by default and someone puts something like..
[item=ES]Abrazo de Alanna[/item] (item is in spanish)
[item=US-13314]Alanna's Embrace[/item] (Item would be in english)
or pasting
http://de.wowhead.com/?item=13314 (item would be in german) ,
all 3 of those would be in their appropriate language