I found this setting last night but Im not all that sure what to do.
My old site is: bonsaichat.net and the add on domain (the one Im having trouble with) is: rifleandpistolzone.com. The Path to Save Cookies only has a drop down menu and nothing can be entered. I tried both as in / and the other option of rifleandpistolzone but no difference.
The Cookie Domain is the same with only a drop down menus and two options: (blank) or, .bonsaichat.net. As for the Custom Setting in both the Path to Save Cookies and the Cookie Domain Im not sure if I should enter anything there besides the obvious fact that it scares the freaking hell out of me with its warning: Entering an invalid setting can leave you unable to log in to your forum!
Should I enter something into any of these custom settings and if so
what? I certainly dont want to get locked out of my own site!!