Originally Posted by eoc_Jason
Well, if indeed iTrader is set to "open" in your vB Options, then there is probably a version mismatch somewhere. In the new release I've coded it to be a bit more explicit if there is a file vs DB difference, but with this (and previous releases) it just says closed to prevent any issues. I'm assuming you chose the overwite option when you updated? Make sure you are using all the latest files.
Last thing to check would be to enable debug mode on your forum (probably best to close the forum temporarily). Go to your vBulletin Options -> Version Info and Other Untouchables. Then look for iTrader Version Number, it *should* be 2.1.0, if it's not then click the 'edit' link and under the "Default" field change it to 2.1.0 and make sure the Data Validation Type is set to "Free".
If none of that works, let me know, but one of those has to be the problem.
I had the same problem with iTrader not opening. I did the edits you suggested in Debug Mode, but the version would continue to come up as 2. Took a chance and changed it to 2.1.0 right from the form field, without going into Edit, and it took care of the problem. Don't know what that means, or even if that was the smart thing to do, but in case it helps address the problem, figured I'd share. I'm on 3.7.1 PL2.