I have done it - it works now with special characters.
1 Step - open "cron.gwowroster.charinfo.php"
-=> Change the Charname to utf8 before the function sends to wowarmory
PHP Code:
and add before:
PHP Code:
$char['charname'] = utf8_encode($char['charname']);
2 Step
-=> After the xml job is done you must change the Charname back to iso......
PHP Code:
$charinfo_query = "
locale = '" . $char['locale'] . "' ,
realm = '" . addslashes($char['realm']) . "' ,
name = '" . addslashes($char['name']) . "' ,
charname = '" . $char['charname'] . "' ,
and add before:
PHP Code:
$char['charname'] = utf8_decode($char['charname']);