Originally Posted by schlottkej
If you can give me a few basic details on how they all work, I'd be happy to help you. I haven't found much in terms of documentation on the RegEx.
This FloCasts video feed with also allow anyone to post their track and swimming videos (swimming.flocasts.org, track.flocasts.org) so we probably want to write it for any number of sub domains.
Anyhow, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Take a look at the second and third post of this thread. I posted a bunch of resources therer you can use if your interested in learning this stuff the way I did.
Originally Posted by kansei
Any interest in getting this working with Flickr?
a stumbling block I see immediately is that a link to a flickr video looks just like a link to a flickr photo (says "photos" in the url and everything). I also don't see a link between the number in the URL and in the embedded flash on the resulting page.
I can't remember what happened the last time I tried Flickr, but I suspect it was as you said, with the Image and Video URLs being identical. I'll look at it again.
Originally Posted by oz_moses
G'Day DJ, thanks heaps for the extra definitions here.
I've been trying in vain to get the blip.tv to work to this movie I uploaded today of our new kittens
It does embed a blip.tv movie, and the "Blip (Permalink)" link in the header goes to the correct blip.tv video, however the embedded movie is a different one altogether!
Cheers for any assistance, Moses.
It's loaded the right one on my site. Try removing the Blip regex and reimporting it.
***Yikes! This backup list is getting bigger and bigger.
