Originally Posted by FractalizeR
Thanks for fixing my error.
Thanks Fract, I guessed right (see
here). Want to change the way vbms email notifies me but still haven't decided what to do for a access menu.
EDIT: It works! Not knowing how to write an xml plugin (yet) [S]I simply edited the "global.php" adding what you see below[/S] . . . wrong, I used the plugin manager and imported
exact same code as a product ( hehe

first time!)
I left the navbar template alone and the very last line "$vbms_newmessages['newcount'] = 0" stops the original "Email" count display.
PHP Code:
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('notifications_list')) ? eval($hook) : false;
// vbms add
if ($vbms_newmessages['newcount'] > 0)
$notifications['vbms_has_mail'] = array(
'phrase' => $vbphrase['vbms_has_mail'],
'link' => 'vbms.php',
'order' => 1
$vbulletin->userinfo['vbms_has_mail'] = $vbms_newmessages['newcount'];
$vbms_newmessages['newcount'] = 0;
// vbms add end
Works perfect! If I "read" then "mark as unread" the notification indeed comes back.
Will do an xml plugin next, what else can we hide, use this for? Oh,
the sound notification hack "you got mail" makes me jump, can anybody point me toward a simple
ding/dong chime.wav?
Your inbox has VBMS email waiting. 1"
Cheers & thanks again, Rabbit