What I usually try to do is find a need for a forum and a niche. I just launched a fitness board, and I could have made it all general, for everyone, but in surfing around, I couldn't find a good forum specifically geared towards mothers that want to stay healthy and fit.
Your forum is very general, and I know there's soo many MMORPG boards out there already. What differentiates yours from the rest?
And yes, CONTENT! In my first everquest forums (I did eventually let it die out), first of all, I created a board for a niche. One game, one class, which complimented the other bard class board which was more for uber players. I then parsed the game data to provide info on spells, items, armor, locations, plus provided guides, articles, and a whole lot more that so many found very valuable, and many joined that weren't even a bard.
Next website I provided an ecommerce shop that has become famous and for one mama, grew into almost a million dollar business! Community Members could upload their photos of the products they bought as customers, and our photo datbase grew to the thousands.
The last few I chose have been niche sites as well. DSLR photography for people just starting to learn, and fitness for mothers. I fully plan to provide articles, free mini photography workshops, etc.. to provide value to my members.