Originally Posted by Battle_Ring
I have my goal set for 60, someone just donatred enough to put me over $60 now it says
We have received a total of $66 in donations towards our Monthly goal of $60
It says 1 instead of percentage reached
That is already fixed in next release I accidentally put the settings value instead of the phrase value for the print out. Because the old V1 had a settings type system for the output. Since next release is still a ways off till I finish V3 pro which is going Beta by monday. Here is fix:
LINE 398 from donationsystemlite.xml FIND:
PHP Code:
if ($DSL['setting']['dsl_bar_thank']){$DSL['bar']['thank']=$DSL['setting']['dsl_bar_thank'].'<br />';}
PHP Code:
if ($DSL['setting']['dsl_bar_thank']){$DSL['bar']['thank']=$vbphrase['dsl_bar_thank'].'<br />';}
All done