These is what is being return to me via Andrea's mod
They are not being posted, but how are they able to begin to post?
Are they replying as a guest?
It also looks like they are trying to send a PM at the same time.
HTML Code:
Missing or Invalid Security Token detected.
Script Call Backtrace
#0 ../forum/includes/functions.php line 2592: eval()
#1 ../forum/includes/init.php line 417: fetch_error(security_token_missing,ltr,sendmessage.php)
#2 ../forum/global.php line 20: require_once(../forum/includes/init.php)
#3 ../forum/newreply.php line 82: require_once(../forum/global.php)
POST Variables
[title] => In a crowded courtroom
[message] => In a crowded courtroom in [url= spam url]wow gold[/url] Mississippi, a jury returns [url= spam url]wow gold[/url]
a shocking verdict against [url= ==spam url == ]wow power leveling[/url] a chemical company accused of dumping toxic waste into a small town's water
supply, causing the worst “cancer cluster” in history. The company [url= spam url/]wow power leveling[/url] appeals to the Mississippi Supreme Court,
whose nine justices will one day either approve the verdict [url= spam url /]wow power leveling[/url] or reverse it.weiwei1978123
[wysiwyg] => 1
[iconid] => 1
[s] =>
[do] => postreply
[t] => 21753
[p] => 170155
[posthash] => 2f9d9d501126996ed71103b06498354c
[poststarttime] => 1213904593
[loggedinuser] => 5974
[multiquoteempty] =>
[sbutton] =>
[signature] => 1
[parseurl] => 1
[emailupdate] => 9999
[rating] => 5
[threadid] => 21753
[postid] => 170155
[securitytoken] =>
Request URI