Originally Posted by silly rabbit
Logician, great hack! Been using it for a while now - currently running fine on my fresh install of 3.7.0 but also have a problem simulair to Hobby's -
When anyone has "edit permission" isn't " edit" supposed to appear in the template too? If you point me in the right direction where to look - phrases? - I could probably figure it out . . . Hobby, I see "Draft : On, Count Visitors : Off, Show Browsers : Off " but not " edit"
NOTE: Ah, now I see this in the footer of the stock "priv_privatemessages ":
What's Up Doc? Thanks Again, Rabbit
the part im referring to is in the ADMIN CP area - on my 3.6 board when the list of pages was shown it would show 'Page Title -
draft' - now it just shows the page title without the word draft. Makes it hard to scan through the list to see the pages that are still in the works.