Originally Posted by FRDS
yes edit the templates, the memberinfo_css and memberinfo and even the memberinfo_blockname templates
thanks for replying,
You see, the tabs run off of the tcat and thead classes. By default, the tabs use the thead class. When you hover over one table it reverts to some mystery class and has a white background. When you click a tab, the tab uses the tcat class to display the category.
I need to know how to change what classes the system uses so I can create custom classes for them. I've tried the memberinfo_css template to no avail mostly because all I can do is overwrite the tcat of thead classes, but I cannot change the tab's height, font, padding, etc. Also, the memberinfo_block template only seems to affect the sidebar unless i need to change the $title variable. The memberinfo_blockname template doesn't even exist and when I edit the block_name class it only affects the sidebar.
Please, someone help me. I'm desperate at this point. I've attached a screenshot to maybe help someone help me.