Originally posted by NeoGT
I added the text, but the stars will not appear under the users' names. They appear in the control panel when you look at the user titles however.
are you grabbing the stars from the smilie section, or the avatar file, or just the plain images file?
showthread, in the post bit area, will not allow bbcode unless you make a change to the code in showthread, or 2.03 functions.
If your stars are in the smiley section, and named as smiley code, they wont show up in the postbit area.
Maybe its as simple as adding something more to your image path.
try adding your forum in there...(whatever name the folder is..usually vb though)
if you are using the stars from the rate thread images, there is no "star.gif" it is 0star.gif 1star.gif...etc.....
so try
<img src="vb/images/0star.gif" alt=""><br>User Title
Other than that, couldnt tell ya what the deal is...