Originally Posted by Terrie
When you uninstall this mod for some reason it leaves the database tables
so when you reinstall you have a lot of duplicate chips etc....
What you need to do is uninstall, delete all the casino tables
in your database manually (backup first) then install and you will be fine :up:
I am running 3.7.1 and it works fine for me 
Originally Posted by ti07shadow
That did not work becuase after I uninstall the casino I check the database and there is no casino fields. and prior to that uninstall I checked and theres no duplicates. something else is wrong. because in the admin thing it shows more than 1 check mark for each cuip, which cant be a database issue.
could it be another issue, maybe a Languages & Phrases issue? or perhaps a change in a file doesnt unistall correctly? ir coud it have somethign to do with the changes vb 3.7.1 made?
becuase i didnt have this issue in 3.7.0
Hm. i'm not sure what to think now, however i do know that i've found the root cause of the problem. it's odd that it would still work in 3.7.1 though. is anybody successfully running it on a 3.6.10pl1?