Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
VBDev, to explain my second bug better.. If you add a new usergroup and you set them so they can ban people with the ban plugin. You are getting those errors I have shown you. They seem not to have the rights to use /show ban command at all, they get "you don't have access" page, etc.
Hum but does this new usergroup is a secondary one ? I mean, is the user belonging to one usergroup and this usergroup with ban rights ?
Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
Also, is there a way you can remove ALL chats with a single button? It took me 20min to remove over 2000 lines of chats.
Yes, in the archives there is a kinda inline moderation tool for shouts removal.
Originally Posted by xoutlawz00x
i have vb gold 3.7 and this is what i get btw i have vbshout disabled not uninstallled would that make a difference?
What is the problem in your screenshot ??
Originally Posted by jim6763nva
As I mentioned before, I'm also getting that continual "Loading" message when using the vBa CMPS module for MGC Chatbox. I've installed this addon on at least 2 other vb sites that are running 3.7.x and vBa 3.0.1 and they work fine with the CMPS module. Last week I did a fresh install of a 3.7.1 PL1 site and while the addon works, I can't get the CMPS module to work. Ranger187 was able to determine the following error:
Security Error: Content at http://www.talkmarylandforum.com/ may not load data from http://talkmarylandforum.com/mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php.
Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012" nsresult: "0x805303f4 (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)" location: http://talkmarylandforum.com/clientscript/yui/connection/connection-min.js?v=371 Line: 7]
I just upgraded to 3.7.1 PL2, however this has not fixed the issue. I wasn't expecting it to fix it, but I thought I would mention what I have done since. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Edit: Would something in the .htaccess file cause this? The reason I ask is I just installed a new addon that required some changes in this file and the CMPS mod started working. I went back and maded a few more changes, now it's not working again.
Honestly I am not sure.
Have you spoke with stangger5 the releaser of the chatbox module for vba ?