I am using this hack and love it so much... but we're getting errors on my site when people post poorly formed URLs. If the URL contains any spaces or is otherwise malformed it throws and error and will no longer display the thread.
I believe I asked about this before but it would be greatly appreicate if you could add in some simple regex to check for a malformed URL.
It's as simple as typing
http:/// in a thread to break it.
But other examples do it as well like people dumb enough to link to a local document on their computer's drive.
This is a fairly critical issue on my site, and I'm sure others, that just haven't noticed it yet. If it's not something you can find the time to fix on your own I would certainly be willing to kick in a few bucks to have you working on it. For now I've had to disable the hack entirely, which means no money from eBay, so I really need this back up and running as soon as possible.
This is one of the specific examples that broke our site... please ignore the idiocy of the link name, it's not real, one of our members was posting it as a joke in our off topic forum and the follow is the resulting error.