High Server Load
So I have had issues with high server load recently and I have gone through some of the settings in vbulletin to help with that. I then did the datastore change that is supposed to help it. I installed the microstats mod and this is what it says on the bottom of my page
Page generated in 0.20690 seconds with 14 queries [Server Loads: 6.47 4.77 : 5.78]
Now I am not an expert, but that seems to be a high amount of server load and queries. I am just looking at the best ways to decrease my server load so I can run quicker and with less downtime. I am pretty new to all this so if there is more information (like what queries I am running) I will admit I will probably need some help in figuring out how to provide that information.
My forum is just a small forum with a small amount of users, but I want to keep the board up as often as possible to keep them happy.