Originally Posted by Xanlamin
READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been posted over and over and over again, it works perfectly on 3.7 with a minor fix to the member profile, you will find the fix by reading some of the back pages.
If your to lazy to read back a few pages your to lazy to even admin your own board and should not of even gotten a lic.
Sorry this post sounds harsh but it is sad to keep hearing people complain that they can not get something going when the issue has already been resolved.
If you still do not want to read I will be more than happy to do the fix for you and any others who wish to be lazy, just PM me with some login information with admin access and I will fix it...after a $25.00 fee
Wow, i certainly hope that wasn't directed at me. That was really rude 'mate'. I was asking for more clarification - AND if you bother 'READING' you will note that the question i asked HAD NOT been asked. I am so sorry that you feel the need to belittle everyone, several times. Thanks for your fix, not your help.
To everyone else:
I have this installed and working perfectly, on 3.7.