Originally Posted by butch3r
mauybe cause of this -> /hsphere/local/home//forum/photoplog/settings.php (two slashes between home and forum), check path in config.php
// ################################################## ######################
// ####################### START CONFIGURATION ############################
// ################################################## ######################
// set the full path to your main forum directory: if you are not sure of
// the full path, look in your vB config file for $config['Misc']['forumpath']
// and see if there is a value present - if not, ask your host about it or
// try the getcwd function:
/************************************************** ************************
PhotoPlog Lite License
================================================== =========================
This software is as-is, no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk.
You are granted free use of this software. However, you are not permitted
under any circumstances to redistribute the software, whether in whole or
in part. Also, the 'powered by' links must remain intact and visible. Make
sure to understand that this is *not GPL software. Do not redistribute it,
and do not use parts of it in other software. This software is copyrighted
in its entirety to 'calorie' a/k/a ThinkDing LLC 2005, all rights reserved.
The software author/entity are in no way responsible for your site content.
All copyright notices and 'powered by' links must not be changed or removed.
************************************************** *************************/
// ################################################## ######################
// ######################## END CONFIGURATION #############################
// ################################################## ######################
?> this is all i see