Originally Posted by ti07shadow
Can somebody help with this bug?
When you uninstall this mod for some reason it leaves the database tables
so when you reinstall you have a lot of duplicate chips etc....
What you need to do is uninstall, delete all the casino tables
in your database manually (backup first) then install and you will be fine :up:
Originally Posted by bc3tech
Everybody having problems after installing 3.6.10pl1 standby... i'm slowly getting the casino working under this version of vB. problem appears to be new security measures they put in place in this ver of vB. would also expect same problems in 3.7x - is anybody successfully using casino under vB 3.7?
edit: I have all the games w/ the exception of the Lotto functioning at this time.
I am running 3.7.1 and it works fine for me