Originally Posted by tokenyank
Using this hack will save me (everyone will be different depending on how big the forum is) almost 2mb of bandwidth per 10 impressions (roughly, it's late, I can't be arsed to do the maths!  ) so on a site like mine that does over 4 million impressions a month, my bandwidth consumption will be considerably lower as well as my users not being forced to download 1/5th of a meg every time they visit the site.
Just to reinforce the previous post, I have this MOD installed on a board with 1,400 to 2,000 daily active users, I have 30 other mods installed and my forums are NOT heavy on graphics, just the main logo and the VERY occasional image (and a few banner adverts mind you).
My speed has increased dramatically - If I had to numerate it I would say by at least 50%, and my bandwidth usage has dropped by a similar amount.
As I use between 50gb and 80gb per month of data, thats a HUGE saving.
I am nominating this for MOTM immediately, this is the number one best mod I have installed!!!