Alright folks, I had to freaking HIRE someone to look at the code and it was an EASY fix:
Basically all of the:
$link = get_permalink(somethinghere, true);
SHOULD NOT have that second parameter... "true" and should look like this:
$link = get_permalink(somethinghere);
This was changed 4 times and it fixed all the problems. Why Jafo refused to acknowledge me? I have no clue. Did he know the answer and simply refuse to tell me? Not sure. Why didn't others have this problem?
I think the whole thing is pretty outrageously rude. I understand its a free plugin but he is answering everyone else's questions. I don't get it.
Originally I thought about putting TIPPING you money so you would answer my question but instead I paid that money to a developer. It doesn't pay to be rude. You could have just as easily provided a 1-2 sentence explanation as to why you weren't answering my question in the first place.