I trying to modify the album_picturelist template to bold the "Upload Pictures" link. I've tried <b></b> tags to the phrase, which works, but the same phrase is used in other ways in other places.
This is code in which I need to add the <b></b> tags but I can't work out where!
<a href="album.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addpictures&albumid=$albuminfo[albumid]"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/upload_pictures.png" border="0" class="inlineimg" alt="$vbphrase[upload_pictures]" /></a> <a href="album.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addpictures&albumid=$albuminfo[albumid]">$vbphrase[upload_pictures]</a>
Would someone be kind enough to advise