Originally Posted by Milad
I really have a problem that all suggestion had been copied from previous hacks such as vBouncer.
I don't like to do things already done. anyway the automatic PM notification is on its way to be added. I'm trying to add something new because I want my mod to be unique.
I would not want you to copy anyone's work. Your mod is unique as there is no other working mod that automatically handles bounced mail.
The suggestions are to fill a need that is there. There will be various ways to do so.
Thank you for taking up the suggestion of a PM notification.
Originally Posted by Milad
This is the most difficult part:
Now I'm working on analyzing cron job which will classify the bounce messages. it's gonna take a lot of work and development.
I can imagine that it will, but you can be sure that we will be grateful for your work. These functions are essential for a healthy site and there is nothing that completely handles it.
In relation to the article in my signature, there is a need to process responses from the SMTP servers of email providers and take appropriate action per response.
I am very grateful for Anti-Virus his EZ bounced management, because until now it was the only thing that helped. Only after a completely automated mod like yours handles this issue I will dare to do a mass emailing.