Originally Posted by josiespencer
They do not have can_view_hidden.
OK, looking at it another way, is there a way to allow one group of people to see only things in directory PUBLIC and another group of people to see things in both PUBLIC and PRIVATE? Is there a loophole around that maybe? Or maybe with two different forums? Because the hook to permissions for forums for a file doesn't seem to restrict this either. Once you get in that post-acceptance screen, it is like you are an admin or something.
I want to work within in the rules to do what I need to get done, without you having to code anything.
It's quite possible there's a bug, but without further information, I can't help you. There's nothing special about being 'post-acceptance'.
There are two ways to let one usergroup see PUBLIC and another see PUBLIC + PRIVATE.
a) you go to PRIVATE, edit category/user permissions, and take away can_view_category from the first usergroup *in that category*
b) you go to PRIVATE, edit category and associate the category and all its entries with a forum to which only the second usergroup has vbulletin *can_view_forum* permissions.
Do you want me to take a look at your site? Send me a PM if so.