I'm having the same problem with the emailonpm option. Most of my options are getting set properly, but it never seems to obey what I put in emailonpm. Here is the code I have:
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'adminemail', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showsignatures', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showavatars', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showimages', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showemail', 0);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'receivepm', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'emailonpm', 1);
$this->userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'dstauto', 1);
And most of them work properly, but the emailonpm does not appear to. Any ideas?