My ultimate goal is that all file downloads are done via hard coded URL links posted in posts that look like this "". This makes a popup box appear and the user can download just that one file.
(1) When I new user signs on for the first time he finds a file he wants to download:
(2) So he clicks the hyperlink and gets the prompt for accepting the download terms:
(3) He clicks
Continue and gets:
(4) He clicks Go and sees:
(5) OK, first of all he isn't supposed to see this screen ever, he is just supposed to get a popup box asking him where he wants to save the file. Regardless, now he can do/see things he shouldn't be able to see. So he clicks on Categories to get a list of those:
(6) And then clicks on the LDM hyperlink and gets a list of all files in the LDM category:
(7) And now he can search for any file he wants including hidden files:
If I switch "off" the
can_view_category for that users usergroup, he never gets the download acceptance terms in (3), instead he gets this:
I have messed around with and tweaked these settings about a million times -
what am I missing here?