Originally Posted by Paul M
Since I have neither access to your server or forum, there is nothing I can do. I cant just produce magic answers out of thin air. 
I understand that.. And I will continue to enjoy the majority of your addons and appreciate your effort in making them.. Unfortunately this one just isn't working out.
Originally Posted by Paul M
I dont see anyone else having an issue creating the index.
How many of those "other products" create an index on (or alter) the post table, Im guessing none, since they obviously would have the same problem (the issue is mysql creating the index, not the product).
I noticed you said something about the problem of the index being created slow and timing out in post # 28... Which is similar to my issue I guess (or at least I thought).. Weird thing is, that the index is created.. I verified it's there. Perhaps it is something on mysql, but I can't imagine what since I am having no other issues with anything whatsoever. Not really meaning to point fingers as you may have taken it that way. Just lost for a solution as I have no other symptoms to go off of