Hello, can someone teach me how I can post an iFrame link to the merchant's site as an affiliate?
Best is to define an attribute for it, however - I'll even be happy to know how to post the iFrame in the textarea description field.
A typical example for such iFrame would be AllPosters':
<IFRAME name="apciframe" id="apciframe" style="width:504px;height:1083px;" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="http://affiliates.allposters.com/PosterStore/347730_PosterStore.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"><a class="APCAnchor" href="http://affiliates.allposters.com/link/redirect.asp?AID=1578089047&PSTID=4<ID=16&lang=1">Buy Usher Raymond posters and art</a></IFRAME>
Thanks for your help.