I realize a lot of these suggestions are dependent on a better API / submission system from StopForumSpam.com
Suggestion: Once a submission function is built in, perhaps add an additional layer of analyzing to it? Example:
User1 / Email1 / IP1 was found to be a spammer via IP today. 3 hours later, they attempted to register again. User1 / Email1 / IP2.
So, if someone that's attempting to join passes, a last check would compare their user name and/or email and/or IP to previously blocked registrations. This way, they could be shut down from registering under slightly different credentials. An option in the adminCP could be added so the Admin can say how many days back in the log file to check (if not the whole thing).
Suggestion: If a submission is blocked, grab the rest of the offending info from the StopForumSpam site, and compare against the suggestion. If it doesn't all match, submit the submission's info so the StopForumSpam site is more complete.
Suggestion: Also, perhaps a function that would compare only allowed registrations to the StopForumSpam site. After all, some spammers make a login, and then don't spam for days. If another forum has caught them and flagged them, now you can be aware of this "sleeper" member and ban them. Notice could come via PM or New Thread post (akin to the Multiple Login AE mod here).
Not sure what would be best: checking on a CRON (or something similar), or only checking via a manual button. Perhaps an additional table column, so that if an allowed registration was checked 3 times after the account was created, it won't be checked again (so as to limit bandwidth and resources, both on the forum and StopForumSpam's site). Also, an option for the admin to manually OK an account, so it's bypassed in this check (or automatic, e.g. 20 posts in the forum, or in a certain group, or whatever).
Suggestion: A search for the log would be nice as well
Suggestion: Once the manual / auto submission tool (and possibly some of the others I've suggested) are in place, color code (or whatever) the log? Example: Spammers I've submitted in red, (easily customizable by admin via FFFFFF), or mark by symbols (searchable of course), ones thoroughly checked in green, etc.