Originally Posted by njoker555
i was just looking over some of the templates postbit sections and profile and it seems that EVERYONE can use the "award" feature for some reason and they are able to award any one they want, i am just lucky I was the one to figure out out
help on how i can make it so only admins can award is appreciated! i can swear i saw this option before somewhere but i can't remember any more
Originally Posted by Raptor
apologies if this has already been answered...
upgraded to v1.4 rc2 on vb3.7.1 - how can I now manually award cash for a post and it displays text below the post that they have been given X cash by X user - i dont see that option any more (was on vb3.6.4 and v1.4 rc1 before)
The answer is related to both of you.
The post award system is what you are looking for to award posts directly on threads. In the usergroup options there is a section for each group to set limits for the power to award credits out of thin air. Using a value of 0 in any limit will restrict access completely, or use -1 to make one of the limits be ignored (and -1 for all 4 for unlimited use). I recommend that unlimited be given to trusted groups only such as admin, and should you choose to grant it for anyone else, think carefully about the limits you want to impose or it will get out of hand very quickly. In the specialty settings of vbcredits is the option to publicly display the post awards under the respective posts.