My weekly praise to pedigree and the amazing work on this mod.
Just took a look at the last few days activity:
Out of 6740 attempted registrations:
- 1850 of them were valid users
- 100 were blocked due to email
- 3200 were blocked due to IP
- 1590 were blocked due to username
Thank you Great Firewall of China.... Adding a check box to "Block anonymous proxies" isnt a huge code change with all of the code rewrites Im doing. Ill add it, you never know, it might get a spammer
For what it is worth, I use a real time analytic tool
GetClicky. One thing that I do when determining if a user was improperly rejected is to check the IP address and see if there is activity on my site. 100% of the time so far they do not show up, most likely indicating that they are blocking javascript from executing. I'm not sure if this is helpful information as a secondary check or not as it seems that it may catch users with outdated browsers as well, but so far is a good canary for me.