Originally Posted by Calash
I would like to add information from a another application into the activity calculation. The data is in the same database, so it should be easy to query. I am reading the code a bit, but is there any guidance posted on how to add your own data into the experience?
That would be much work to do. You will need a new column in xperience_stats and also php code that fills it. I'm already planing to do an interface to do such additions via AdminCP.
Originally Posted by VargTimmen
Where can I set the promotions (e. g. that all User with > Level 5 can change their Usertitel)?
You will need to edit XLS Sheet or the level product XML.
Originally Posted by Doc Blizzy
Is there away to adjust the size of the experience bars so that they are not resized every time a user changes their user title?
Only if you change the position of the bars via AdminCP.