OK we're onto something here.
The big problem with this hack is that it does not use hooks.
Well, I added one of the file edits to a hook. So, if you do this as well, its one less manual edit each time you upgrade.
Visit your admin panel and under Plugins & Products, click add new plugin.
Product is vbulletin
Hook location is showthread_complete
For title you can use "Reason Post Closed - showthread_complete hook"
Execution order you can leave at 5 or whatever your default is
Code is:
PHP Code:
if (!empty($thread['reason']))
eval('$reason = "' .fetch_template('showthread_reason') . '";');
Plugin is active - yes
then hit save.
Don't forget to remove the same code from the bottom of your showthread.php file.
Thats one less file edit each time you upgrade.
Now if we could figure out somehow to get the other file edits in postings.php to use hooks, we will be all set....
Its not fun that this breaks with each upgrade, I hate editing core files...
Whats the process to suggest new hook locations, anyway?