If have received the following error, after recently upgrading your board:
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
It is due to a CSRF fix that was made to 3.7.0 RC4 (or 3.6.10).
If you are a modification developer or are experienced with PHP and/or HTML you can view this thread for exact information on how to fix the problem.
If you are not experienced, in programming or are new to vBulletin, then first you need to establish what is causing the problem. Bear in mind these instructions are for default vBulletin actions (posting threads, sending PMs e.t.c.), they are
not intended for modifications (you need to seek assistance from the modification author for help with modifications).
Check your AdminCP Home Page to see if there is any mention of
"Out of Date" templates or templates which need to be
reverted. If there are then you will need to revert these templates and test for the problem again.
Create a New Style with No Parent style. Test to see if your problem persists, if there is no longer an error this means that your previous style is out of date. If you have a custom style you will need to wait for an update to be released from the author which is compatible or you can try the fix given in the thread link above.
If you have no success, disable your modifications, this can be done by editing config.php and adding (after the <?php line) :
PHP Code:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Check to see if you still receive the error. If you do
not, remove the line from config.php and disable your modifications one by one testing each time till you find which modification is causing the problem.