would be great to have the 'arcade admin section' selectable on admin permissions.
example admin 1UID enable admin uID1,32,54 but not UID153 to have arcade controls on admincp
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would be great to have the sentence for crowns (in forumbit) not Harcoded.
Not all languages use 's Saxon genitive (eg. Tom's Hardware - in my language whould be : Hardware di Tom) - or a final 's' for plural.
the plural final 's' should be fixed also for an arcade section - Look at own score page. the column where states the rekord time duration :
acp_day1+acp_day2 will make confusion!!
(also nosense to use day2 as acp_days is already there)
would be very gorgeous to have a control switch on arcade CP to enable or not the final s (plural) and 's (genitive)
apologises for my broken english