Originally Posted by xtremeoff-road
Biggles, thank you for the compliment, I am assuming you are referring to my site www.teryxhq.com ?
Yes indeedy, it was in fact your site to which I referred. It's great. And a little humbling too. Brilliant work, xtremeoffroad.
As for my little
faux pas, Scamorz, sorry about that. I'm beginning to feel too old and arthritic for all this.
It may have something to do with me getting this great mod three-quarters installed and then losing my way completely. And the more I read bobster's excellent instructions the less they are making sense to me, if you follow what I mean?
I think I'll go to bed early and forget about it. Bah!

Anyone want a FORUMHOME template for a child style that looks 3/4 cool? He he.
I do have a perhaps naive question: why not just install some tab images in the right position and hyperlink them to the desired forums?