I'm not sure if it's this mod & this mod alone but my site's been acting a bit strange. I can't create custom bbcode modules in my vbadvanced...not in FF...I can in IE.
But I noticed while I had this mod going it pushed that side column over to the left thereby pushing the other 2 over as well & made my page look strange. It was even worse in IE then it was in FF. I also noticed my drop down menus quit working. The search drop down still don't work for guests...but it does for members? The other 2 drop downs work?
Perhaps the search drop down don't work for guests because on my site guests have to do the human verification thingy. The link does work bringing up an entire search page for various things where they can also do the human verification thingy. Maybe that's it?
But when I turned your mod off my table/page straightened out & the other 2 drop down menus kicked back on. And yes sir I even put those variables in the vbadvanced global output blah blah. I just thought you should know.