Originally Posted by Boofo
Doesn't this just do an automatic acceptance of the rules? You should notify the user that they have accepted the rules. Could cause grief later if they claim they didn't knowingly accept anything.
Originally Posted by Boofo
I was just pointing out that if someone auto-accepts the rules and they break them later on, you have the proverbial catch-22 situation in place.
Originally Posted by Boofo
Why use 2 modes to do the work of one? I like it the way it is by default. 
Listen... if a webmaster installs this hack, they are not going to be in a "catch 22 situation" later on. They know that the rule step was skipped, and they obviously wanted that or they would not install this.
What makes you think this is going to cause problems later on? Do you think the webmaster is going to foolishly forget he installed this and legally go after a member who did not follow some rules they never saw? Who legally goes after members for breaking forum rules anyway?
Please.... we understand that you do not like this mod. Either take the code and do something that makes you happy and I will delete this one, or unsubscribe to this thread.