I apologize if this is a newbie question...
I have two licensed forums - a local mom's group (not visible to unregistered guests) and a national version of that site that is guest viewable. The local group is older and much more active since the national version has not yet officially "launched" (meaning it is open and members of the local group have been told about it, but there hasn't been a concerted effort to bring new members in as we are planning that in July for our official launch)
To facilitate the launch and to help members of the local group remember to check and comment on posts on the national group, I'd like to set up a side column on the main forum page of the local group that has links to the 10 or so most recent posts on from the national site. (That when clicked would drive the member to the national site to read the thread).
Can I do that using this product? Can you give me a tip on what I would put in the side box to pull the information off the other site?
Thanks in advance for your help!