Originally Posted by rknight111
Im thinking about adding this feature to my board, the only thing im wondering is my members are quite compedative and have built there casino $$ up quite a bit, now what would happen to that when I add this, is there a converter for that, or a process, or is this not compadable with that?
The casino can be configured to work with vbcredits. I forget if the hack had its own internal points system or not, but if so I will make something to convert from it and then you select to have it use credits.
Originally Posted by Sarcoth
Thanks for the mod, I am using this with the ibProArcade.
I added a scheduled task to run every hour but am getting more out of it than I'd like. My goal is to increase the jackpot for every arcade game by 5 every hour. Here's my code.
$Jackpot = $vbulletin->db->query("SELECT * FROM vBull_games_list");
while($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($Jackpot)) {
$vbulletin->db->query_write("update vBull_games_list set jackpot = jackpot + '5'");
Rather than going up by 5, it is increasing by 40. Since I only have 8 games installed right now, it appears to by multiplying 5 x 8; is it running 8 times for each game?
What change should I make to have it only run once per game? Any idea?
Thank you for your time.
Well, this appears to have fixed my problem; I think there is an easier way. I remember doing an update similiar to this once upon a time, but I can't remember how.
$Jackpot = $vbulletin->db->query("SELECT * FROM vBull_games_list");
while($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($Jackpot)) {
$Game = $Game + 1;
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE vBull_games_list SET jackpot = jackpot + '1' WHERE gid = '$Game' ");
You could just do this:
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list SET jackpot = jackpot + 5");
and use whatever number you want instead of 5 to increase every jackpot by.
Originally Posted by PGAmerica
I installed this mod and love it. However, at the bottom of every page is a piece of text that says " vBCredits v1.4 Copyright ?2007 - 2008, PixelFX Studios". This is nopt a problem. What is a problem is that when the links are clicked, it goes to these sites and leaves mine.
What I want to do is make the links open a new browser window. I cannot seem to find in the templates or phrases where these links are set. Can somebody please tell me how to make a modification to this so I can just add "target='_blank'" to these links?
This footer cannot be changed from its current form; I can only move it around for you. Branding free is available however.
Originally Posted by jojo77
I found how to turn of loans but now I have 2 new questions:
1) Is negative awards working yet? Last time I asked Dark said it was turned off for the last release.
2) Where is the log of all member transactions? I can't seem to find that anywhere.
Thanks for the help.
1) all negation awards are working except for post/thread awards. Those do nothing.
2) You can use the moderate donations/award link in the acp to see all of that, or if you have the usergroup permission to view all user's transaction logs, a Check link will show up next to users' account amounts to take you to their specific log
Originally Posted by Scarface Claw
The release notes mentions that VBC can be used in conjunction with other mods, does anyone know of such mods?
On my site is a list of some addons that I have to integrate with other popular hacks. There are more that I generally dont track which you can just use a setting within that hack to make it use credits (for example the casino)