Originally Posted by CThiessen
I get my detail now after a couple of weeks.
Now I wait for the first stats.
I took a look in Source of my Forum:
Ar that the Information that the plug in collect an hand over to woopra?
Name - Ok
avatar - not necessary
email - ??? I don't link to share that information, this should be stay secret in my Database.
Is there a Way to disable that?
Just take it out of the woopra_javascript template.
Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Can anyone please provide the download for the clientscript file that the mod asks for in order to use the local script...
Right now download it from the static URL, and save it in your clientscript folder with the name I gave it. That should do it.
Originally Posted by woostar
Great job Shane
Only problem (and is not one of the product) is you only get 10,000 page views a day while in beta. I was sitting feeling like I was in a Nasa control room and then after an hour it died
Can't wait for it to come out of beta as it's not as fun for big boards at the mo.
Yeah. I know, but that's why I marked it Beta.