sorry i lost a member of my family monday !
i added all your requests in version 2.1
the features now :
* works for v3.7.x and also v3.6.x
*ads in header , footer , below whats going on you can rotate Affiliates advertisement x small banners , below the navbar done
* request by our friend D.Baker : the flash rotation working now in all area done
* request by our friend Vinyljunky : you have the ability do not display ads on certain pages Such as login and search because it s against the tos (( thank you Vinyljunky for your Important Request done
* ads in left & right side done
* ads in left side in memberinfo done
* google analytic done
* ads in thread*forumbit with the ability of x forumid & after x thread done
* general request : rotation for postbit - postbit legacy with more conditions such after x posts , in x page ................. done
* ads in pms done
* ads announcement done
* left & right side in full page done
* permissions
you can check the new version here
Advertisement System V2.1
plz give me 2 hours to include 2 more requests in this relase because i want focus in my new script portal system (( with unlimited pages ))