Post Count by User and Date Range
Sorry if this is NOT in the right place but I desperately need some help.
Can someone write a mod/plugin that will let me determine which users posted during a date range and the number of posts each of those individuals made?
Results needed would be a list of ALL users (username and email) that posted during a date range AND the total number of posts each of those individual users made during the same date/time range. I dont need the total post count for all users but I do need the total post count for each user.
Purpose: We hold frequent monthly forum posting contests to motivate forum participation. We total up the number of posts each user made during the month. Each post counts as an entry into a drawing for free products and perks, etc...
Right now it is a huge pain, unless there is someway to handle it that I am unaware of. We need to be able to search for a list of users that posted during a date/time range and also see how many posts each of the users made that were returned by the search
Or... if someone knows where I can go to get this done I would really appreciate it tremendously!