Originally Posted by dapoling
After doing a little testing I found that banning does not occur unless the second notification window appears to the person logging in.
It would be nice to have this banning action occur on the first message of notifying the register of using a proxy server.
To test this I used this and was caught http://www.freeproxyserver.net/
and this one got through do to it not getting the second notice http://www.cantbustme.com/
I still like the hack but just wanted to pass this along as I am really getting hit hard by an idiot.
It seems I have my own answer here.

The reason I found why the new registrations is not being banned is because I have the Spam Hack so I can make up my own question and answer. The ones that are not being banned must be spam bots and are unable to answer the question.
The one that can answer the question but caught by the RBL Checker is banning them.