Originally Posted by Renada
I've installed this with manual template edits as I didn't want to install TMS but cannot get it to find vbspell.php.
The popup works on Firefox but not on IE and the error FF is giving is:
"The requested URL /vbspell.php was not found on this server."
This is the code added to the Editpost template:
<form name="spell_form" id="spell_form" method="POST" target="spellWindow" action="vbspell.php">
<input type="hidden" name="spell_formname" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="spell_fieldname" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="spellstring" value="">
I've tried inserting /forums/vbspell.php and http://www.mysite.com/forums/vbspell.php - neither of which work. All three files are in my /forums directory along with the Dictionary file.
Any idea why this isn't finding the file please?
Thank you for pointing this out to me, and since i don't use IE, i didn't see the problem beforehand, in which i SHOULD of checked in ie too. I plan on fixing this issue asap, but i have other stuff i am taking care of at this time aswell. Very sorry for this inconvenience but please keep this installed so you can get a email telling you when it is fixed.
Originally Posted by cnutter
Something in this mod interfers with the Album Pictures - Forum Home 1.3.0 plugin causing the images not to show up. Any ideas.
Does that mod make use of tms? It could be due to the spell checker overwritten template edits of that mod, but i can't be sure. What you can do is remove the auto-template changes for the templates that are giving you this problem, and then manually edit the templates. Does it happen on forumhome, or like when your seeing a thread?
Originally Posted by ViewMy.biz
Does the spell checker work in forms, for example when you are doing a search? If not, is there something that does perform a form spell check? thanks
No it don't, only under message editors, it could be done though with he approproiate editing, you'd have to add the buttons under the input boxes. and the </head> and $navbar change. It would be pretty tedious though to do it for every template though.