Originally Posted by davemac
If you have installed the product, uninstall it. Then edit the product_removerules.xml and find the line:
PHP Code:
$_REQUEST['agree'] = 1;
and change it to:
PHP Code:
$_POST['agree'] = 1;
Re-install the product. This probably will work for 3.6.9 but I can't say for sure.
PHP Stores server variables in 3 arrays $_REQUEST, $_POST and $_GET
The reason this probably broke on upgrade is that the newer versions access the $_POST array instead of the $_REQUEST (is more correct IMO) but to attempt to "futureproof" my install of this product I left the $_REQUEST version as is but added the $_POST version as shown and (though they'd only ever use it if they were crazy) I added the $_GET version in too.
So in my case I changed:
$_REQUEST['agree'] = 1;
$_REQUEST['agree'] = 1;
$_POST['agree'] = 1;
$_GET['agree'] = 1;
No sure if that helps anyone but I thought I'd add it anyway