Nothing left to set up a vb for
Hi all,
I've just set up a new vbulletin forum, and now that I have it up and running, I can't for the life of me figure out what I want to do with it. Every topic under the sun has already been discussed to death on the Internet using various forum software applications, and it seems as though there is nothing left.
If you set up a board using a pre-existing topic hoping for hundreds of users and thousands of messages, you're kind of sunk unless you offer something that no other board has with the same topic - something really difficult to think up. You need some kind of niche, something that will catch the visitor's eye and make that visitor stay at your site.
I find it difficult to set up a discussion board with just any topic - I want to steer away from this direction, because it can likely turn sour fast.
What do you do to attract users, and how do you get your board advertized properly so that you'll get a good user-base going?