Originally Posted by goldendox
I have the beta installed. Did a test by running it in task manager. Seems okay, yet nobody is getting emails (that I know of).
in hostname, is localhost ok, or should it be 'localhost'
it seems that all users are set by default to receive emails from all forums. I have a junior member acct (who i have as an allowed usergroup), and am not receiving any emails other than the admin ones. i set each forum up with different addresses. still have the admin one. that is the one i'm still getting standard email notifications of.
also, how or where can i check to see if those emails are going through?
If the email messages you send to the mailbox are read all right by EI mod, then obviously the hostname of your SMTP server is correct. If the mailbox is on a mail server running in the same box as your vBulletin, the hostname should be just localhost, without quotes.