Hello and thanks for the great mod, my users all love it.
I would like to add it under the user's title on the memberinfo page. By looking at the variables, I'm guessing it relies on actual message information to pull it all together. Is it possible to put on that page?
I've looked at a rendered page's html and found a few variables that I hard coded in the template like this.
PHP Code:
<!-- post specs_menu -->
<div id="specs_43" class="vbmenu_control">
<a href="#specs">$userinfo[username]'s $vbphrase[dropdown_title]</a>
<script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("specs_43"); </script>
<!-- / post specs_menu -->
All that gets me is a stylized link that spans the entire length of the table it's in, with no dropdown when you click. When I hover over the link the browser statusbar shows:
If I click, I get no menu.
I know I'm missing something simple. Can you fill in the blanks for me?
Thank you!!